Headache Relief Near Me

We can make decisions, deal with emotions, and go about our daily lives when we can think clearly and quietly. A severe headache can quickly erode that clarity. Many people experience the odd headache, but chronic headaches that interfere with your ability to function or sleep can be incapacitating. But here at Fullness of Life Chiropractic, we can help you get away and manage headaches in no time. With the right care and tips from a chiropractor, you can keep headaches from getting in the way of your daily life.

6 Ways Chiropractic Care Can Help Manage Headaches

Medication can be used to treat any form of headache. Chiropractic care is yet another efficient treatment option that goes after the root of the issue.

You can control headaches in the following 6 ways with chiropractic care:

  1. Manipulating the spine


  • Chiropractors may utilize the technique of spinal manipulation to treat headaches. During this operation, your hands or a specialized tool are used to exert regulated pressure on certain joints in your spine. You can hear a popping sound while the force is being delivered.
  • Tight muscles and a misaligned cervical spine are common causes of headaches. Your spine’s alignment will be evaluated by our chiropractors, who will then develop a personalized treatment plan. Your headache should go away quickly after your cervical spine has been corrected. Misalignments are often the cause of a patient’s headaches, which can be fixed with chiropractic adjustments.
  • Consistent chiropractic care will offer relief if you suffer from recurrent headaches or migraines. Your cervical spine can quickly become misaligned if your muscles and ligaments are tight. Your spine learns to maintain its proper alignment when you routinely receive chiropractic adjustments. You will need to see our chiropractors multiple times weekly throughout the acute phase of therapy in order to get pain relief and start the healing process.


  1. Massage of the muscles


  • Trigger point therapy is another name for neuromuscular massage. It focuses on the trigger points in the head, neck, shoulder, and back; it is a specific kind of massage. Stress is reduced and blood flow is improved. Additionally, the pressure on pinched nerves that provide pain signals to the brain is relieved by this kind of massage. The pain is consequently reduced.
  • This specific sort of medical massage, called neuromuscular therapy, aims to reduce muscle stiffness, tension, and pain while regaining movement and function in certain body parts. Additionally, it aids in enhancing blood flow, ensuring that critical nutrients are delivered to the area to help relax the muscles and speed up healing.
  • In order to achieve the best outcomes, neuromuscular therapy, like many of the other treatments our chiropractors provide here at Fullness of Life Chiropractic, necessitates recurring appointments. Trigger point therapy can also help you avoid muscle stress and the formation of new trigger points in the future.
  1. Joint Mobilization
  • Another chiropractic care procedure known as joint mobilization is used to loosen up tight muscles, reduce pain and spasms, and increase joint flexibility. Joint mobilization enhances range of motion and mobility by raising the client’s awareness of the proper position and movement of a joint and by replicating smooth joint function.
  • This is done to improve your movement as well as lessen the headache discomfort that you are now experiencing. Joint mobilization addresses the cervical spine for treating headaches.
  • A chiropractor manually moves a joint, gradually moving it through a degree of natural resistance, using modest, passive movements. These movements stretch and strengthen the tissue that supports the bone. This makes the pain go away and increases the range of motion.
  • A five-grade range of motion classification system is used for every joint. The main purposes of Grades I and II are to ease pain and stiffness. Increased mobility and joint play are the main purposes of grades III through V.


  1. Low-load Craniocervical Mobilization


  • This is a different type of chiropractic treatment from spinal manipulation because it uses softer force than spinal manipulation. This force is delivered to the neck joints to alleviate headaches by allowing the cervical segments to move regularly. This chiropractic intervention typically also includes stretching.
  • Chiropractic practitioners frequently manipulate the cervical spine or neck region to treat patients who are experiencing headaches, neck, upper back, and shoulder/arm pain. Chiropractic care is regarded as the first line of treatment for a variety of cervical spine disorders, as well as the treatment for many conditions affecting the lower back.
  • For individuals with persistent tension-type headaches, neither a recommendation for nor against spinal manipulation is possible. Patients with episodic or chronic tension-type headaches may benefit from low-load craniocervical mobilization in the long run. Spinal manipulation is advised for cervicogenic headaches. Deep neck flexor exercises or joint mobilization may help symptoms. It is best to hold an appointment with a chiropractor to diagnose you carefully and give the proper treatment.


  1. Exercises for Deep Neck Flexion


  • Under the direction of a chiropractor, deep neck flexion exercises entail physically manipulating your joints and shoulders. Doing a series of chin tucks while lying flat on the floor is an illustration of this exercise. The head nodded after that. Stretching the deep neck flexor muscle, which supports the neck, is the objective of the workout. You can get rid of your headaches by doing this.
  • How can you do this exercise? Lean your chin down toward your chest just a little. Then, for three seconds, push your head backward as if you were producing a “double chin.” You may also wrap a resistance band around the back of your head and press your head into it while holding the band in front of you. You might even rest your head against a pillow or the seat of a car. The goal is to stretch your neck’s rear and strengthen its front.


  1. Intervention in Multidisciplinary Care


  • This chiropractic method incorporates nutritional advice, physical therapy exercises, stress reduction methods, and relaxation exercises. Multidisciplinary treatment has been shown to help cut down on the length, frequency, pain, and disability of migraines.
  • The chiropractors help patients achieve, maintain, and regain their full range of motion and functional capacity. When providing health services, they will prescribe exercises and use education and hands-on methods. Chiropractors use manual treatments, such as mobilizations and manipulations, to help reduce pain and get the body moving and working normally again.
  • Patients of physical therapy and chiropractic benefit when their doctors combine their complementary skill sets and knowledge to ease pain, restore normal movement, and promote pain-free living. Multidisciplinary health care teams give patients a high level of care and success when it comes to getting better or improving their health.
  • The quality of life and pain intensity of women with chronic musculoskeletal diseases were found to be improved by multidisciplinary therapies, with long-lasting improvements seen half a year after treatment completion. A multidisciplinary rehabilitation program helps to reduce pain and impairment and makes it easier to return to employment or previous activities after an injury.


Your regular life can be disrupted by headaches, which are unpleasant and uncomfortable. Fortunately, if you treat the symptoms right away, you won’t have to endure agony for very long. Chiropractic treatment is another alternative for managing your headaches besides medication.

Visit our website and let us know how we can help you with your headaches and other tensions in need of chiropractic care. Here at Fullness of Life Chiropractic, you can say no more to headaches. Call us now!