Knee Pain2023-10-19T20:19:33-05:00
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Knee Pain

Our knees play a pivotal role in our daily mobility, from the simplest of movements like standing up from a chair to more demanding activities such as running or climbing stairs. Despite their resilience, knees are susceptible to injury, degeneration, and chronic discomfort.

At Fullness Of Life Chiropractic, we recognize the intricacies of this joint and offer tailored, comprehensive solutions that aim not only to alleviate pain but to restore functionality and enhance your overall quality of life.

Our dedicated team combines state-of-the-art techniques with a profound understanding of the body’s natural balance, offering treatments that are both effective and harmonious.

Whether your knee pain is a recent occurrence or a long-standing concern, we’re here to guide you toward a pain-free and active lifestyle. Embrace the journey to rejuvenation with us!

Types Of Knee Pain

The knee, a complex joint central to our mobility, is often a source of discomfort for many. At Fullness Of Life Chiropractic, we specialize in diagnosing and treating a wide range of knee pain causes, ensuring you regain your mobility and live life to the fullest.

  • Osteoarthritis (OA): A degenerative joint disease, OA is one of the most common causes of knee pain, especially in older adults. It arises when the cartilage that cushions the bones wears away, leading to pain, stiffness, and swelling.
  • Ligament Injuries: The knee is supported by several ligaments, and they can be injured during sports or other sudden movements. These include the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL), Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL), and others.
  • Tendinitis: Often referred to as ‘jumper’s knee,’ this condition arises when the tendons around the knee become inflamed. It’s commonly seen in athletes who engage in jumping sports like basketball or volleyball.
  • Bursitis: Bursae are small sacs filled with fluid that cushion the knee joint. Overuse, trauma, or infections can cause them to become inflamed, leading to bursitis.
  • Meniscus Tear: The menisci are cartilages that act as shock absorbers between the shinbone and thighbone. Twisting or rotating your knee with force, especially when weight is on it, can lead to a tear.
  • Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS): This encompasses pain arising from the underside of the patella (kneecap) where it contacts the thigh bone. PFPS can be due to malalignment, muscle imbalances, or other factors.
  • Chondromalacia Patella: Often seen in younger individuals, this condition arises when the cartilage under the kneecap softens and degenerates.
  • Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS): This is an inflammation of the ligament that runs down the outside of the thigh, often seen in runners.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: An autoimmune disease, this can affect multiple joints, including the knees, causing pain and inflammation.
  • Post-traumatic Knee Pain: After an accident or surgery, some individuals may experience lingering pain due to scar tissue, inflammation, or alignment issues.

At Fullness Of Life Chiropractic, our holistic approach ensures that the root cause of your knee pain is identified, treated, and rehabilitated, paaving the way for optimal wellness and revitalized life. We invite you to take the first step towards a pain-free future with us.

Office Hours


10:00 am – 1:00 pm

3:00 pm – 7:00 pm


3:00 pm – 7:00 pm


10:00 am – 1:00 pm

3:00 pm – 5:00 pm


10:00 am – 1:00 pm

3:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Friday & Saturday

By Appointment Only

Causes Of Knee Pain

Knee pain is a widespread complaint that can arise from various issues related to the knee joint and the structures surrounding it. Understanding the causes can be instrumental in seeking appropriate treatment and care.

One prevalent cause is osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease where the cartilage cushioning the bones gradually wears away, leading to pain and stiffness. Ligament injuries, often a result of sports activities or sudden movements, can lead to significant discomfort and limited mobility. Athletes, particularly those involved in jumping sports, might experience tendinitis, where the tendons around the knee become inflamed, causing pain during movement.

Furthermore, the knee joint houses small sacs filled with fluid known as bursae, which can become inflamed due to overuse, trauma, or infections, leading to bursitis. Additionally, the menisci, cartilages acting as shock absorbers between the bones, can tear due to forceful twisting or rotating movements, especially when weight is placed on the knee.

Malalignment, muscle imbalances, or other factors can result in Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, which originates from the underside of the patella where it meets the thigh bone. Another condition, chondromalacia patella, commonly seen in younger individuals, results from the softening and degeneration of cartilage under the kneecap. Runners, especially, might be familiar with the Iliotibial Band Syndrome, an inflammation of the ligament running down the thigh’s outside.

Rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease, can affect the knees, causing inflammation and pain. Moreover, accidents or surgeries might leave individuals with post-traumatic knee pain due to scar tissue, inflammation, or alignment concerns.

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Treatment That Can Help You

Treatment for knee pain varies widely based on its root cause, severity, and the individual’s overall health. At Fullness Of Life Chiropractic, we prioritize a holistic approach to care, understanding that every patient’s journey to relief is unique.

One of the foremost methods we employ is chiropractic adjustments, which can realign the bones and improve joint function. This not only eases pain but can also enhance mobility and prevent future ailments. Alongside this, physical therapy exercises can be recommended to strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee, offering better support to the joint and minimizing discomfort.

For inflammation and swelling, cold laser therapy or therapeutic ultrasound might be utilized. These treatments promote healing, reduce inflammation, and can accelerate recovery. In cases where pain is attributed to tight or overused muscles, soft tissue massage can be beneficial in releasing tension and improving circulation.

Moreover, lifestyle recommendations, including weight management, ergonomic advice, and tailored exercise regimens, can be invaluable. Dietary and nutritional advice can also play a role in managing inflammatory conditions that might be contributing to knee pain.

It’s essential to remember that knee pain treatment is not just about immediate relief but ensuring long-term health and function. With our personalized and integrative approach, we aim to help patients regain their vitality and embrace a pain-free life.

Benefits That Our Care Can Give

At Fullness Of Life Chiropractic, our care goes beyond simply treating symptoms; we focus on fostering holistic health and well-being. When you entrust us with your wellness journey, a multitude of benefits awaits you.

One of the primary advantages of our care is pain alleviation. Through our individualized treatments, many patients experience significant reduction, if not complete relief, from persistent pains that have hindered their daily lives. As pain subsides, improved mobility often follows, allowing patients to return to activities they love, from simple daily routines to more vigorous physical endeavors.

In addition to physical benefits, our care promotes mental and emotional well-being. A life free from chronic pain often leads to better sleep, increased energy, and an enhanced mood. This holistic betterment can significantly uplift one’s quality of life.

Our care also emphasizes preventative health. By addressing root causes and not just symptoms, we provide our patients with the knowledge and tools to maintain their health, preventing future ailments. The empowerment that comes with understanding one’s body and its needs cannot be understated.

Lastly, our integrative approach ensures that every aspect of your health is considered. By connecting the dots between physical, emotional, and nutritional health, we offer a comprehensive path to wellness that resonates deeply and lasts long.

Treat Knee Pain With Our Top-Notch Chiropractic Care!

Don’t wait for the pain to rule your life. It’s time to reclaim your vigor, vitality, and overall well-being. At Fullness Of Life Chiropractic, we’re committed to guiding you on your wellness journey. We invite you to experience firsthand the transformative power of holistic chiropractic care.

Book your appointment with us, and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you. We promise, it’s an investment in yourself that you will not regret.

Treatment for knee pain varies widely based on its root cause, severity, and the individual’s overall health. At Fullness Of Life Chiropractic, we prioritize a holistic approach to care, understanding that every patient’s journey to relief is unique.

One of the foremost methods we employ is chiropractic adjustments, which can realign the bones and improve joint function. This not only eases pain but can also enhance mobility and prevent future ailments. Alongside this, physical therapy exercises can be recommended to strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee, offering better support to the joint and minimizing discomfort.

For inflammation and swelling, cold laser therapy or therapeutic ultrasound might be utilized. These treatments promote healing, reduce inflammation, and can accelerate recovery. In cases where pain is attributed to tight or overused muscles, soft tissue massage can be beneficial in releasing tension and improving circulation.

Moreover, lifestyle recommendations, including weight management, ergonomic advice, and tailored exercise regimens, can be invaluable. Dietary and nutritional advice can also play a role in managing inflammatory conditions that might be contributing to knee pain.

It’s essential to remember that knee pain treatment is not just about immediate relief but ensuring long-term health and function. With our personalized and integrative approach, we aim to help patients regain their vitality and embrace a pain-free life.

Benefits That Our Care Can Give

At Fullness Of Life Chiropractic, our care goes beyond simply treating symptoms; we focus on fostering holistic health and well-being. When you entrust us with your wellness journey, a multitude of benefits awaits you.

One of the primary advantages of our care is pain alleviation. Through our individualized treatments, many patients experience significant reduction, if not complete relief, from persistent pains that have hindered their daily lives. As pain subsides, improved mobility often follows, allowing patients to return to activities they love, from simple daily routines to more vigorous physical endeavors.

In addition to physical benefits, our care promotes mental and emotional well-being. A life free from chronic pain often leads to better sleep, increased energy, and an enhanced mood. This holistic betterment can significantly uplift one’s quality of life.

Our care also emphasizes preventative health. By addressing root causes and not just symptoms, we provide our patients with the knowledge and tools to maintain their health, preventing future ailments. The empowerment that comes with understanding one’s body and its needs cannot be understated.

Lastly, our integrative approach ensures that every aspect of your health is considered. By connecting the dots between physical, emotional, and nutritional health, we offer a comprehensive path to wellness that resonates deeply and lasts long.

Treat Knee Pain With Our Top-Notch Chiropractic Care!

Don’t wait for the pain to rule your life. It’s time to reclaim your vigor, vitality, and overall well-being. At Fullness Of Life Chiropractic, we’re committed to guiding you on your wellness journey. We invite you to experience firsthand the transformative power of holistic chiropractic care.

Book your appointment with us, and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you. We promise, it’s an investment in yourself that you will not regret.

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